Lost, then Found

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is one in a series of testimonies from our readers who share their stories on the power of the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy.

Hi. My name is Riccardo, from Rome, Italy. Here is a personal testimony of the power of the Chaplet:

My grandpa, being almost 90, having survived a heart attack, is very weak, and has moments of mental confusion from time to time. Some days ago, in the late evening, my grandma called our home and told my father that my grandpa was missing and that she didn't know where he had gone. Living on the same block, my mother rushed out of our house to join my grandma in looking for him.

As for me, I rushed to my room and immediately grabbed my Rosary and started praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, asking Jesus that He may let us find Grandpa and that he may be safe - or, if it is His will for him to die, that my grandpa feel Jesus' mercy and forgiveness and die in peace.

Just as I was finishing praying the chaplet, a great light and joy filled my heart. I experienced an awesome feeling of trust, peace, and reassurance in Jesus, so much so that tears ran down my face. After a few seconds, my cell phone rang. It was my mother. She told me that at that very moment they had found Grandpa walking by my grandparents' house.

I finished the chaplet in awe, realizing how they found him exactly when I had come to the end of the chaplet - and in the very instant when, in my room, I was feeling that powerful peace and reassurance from Jesus.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Learn to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

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