The Power of the Chaplet

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is one in a series of testimonies from our readers who share their stories on the power of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. To share your own testimony, please e-mail us at

By Fred Guida

About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer and had a major surgery planned to remove a portion of one lung. However, when the doctors opened me up, before they proceeded to remove the portion of my lung, they performed a biopsy. Through the biopsy, they discovered I did not have cancer after all.

This was a shocking turn of events. Before the surgery, I had almost every test in the book, including X-ray, CAT scan, and PET scan. Everything pointed to lung cancer. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I did not have a needle biopsy. Many would argue that this would have conclusively indicated whether cancer was present. However, my surgeon obtained a second opinion from a doctor who invented a leading needle biopsy technique, and he said not to bother with the procedure because they were definitely dealing with cancer.

The truly relevant part of my story is that, prior to my surgery, my wife prayed the Divine Mercy Novena and the Rosary on my behalf. And, once again, the surgery revealed that I suddenly did not have cancer.

Now a skeptic would say that this proves nothing. How can you be sure if every possible test was not performed? My response is to ask: Who am I to question how God chooses to answer a particular prayer? I choose to believe that God does, indeed, move in mysterious ways and that, in this case, He did so through the power of the Divine Mercy devotion and the Rosary.

As a final footnote, I am ashamed to say that, at the time, I did not really understand or appreciate what had happened. Perhaps I was just in a state of shock. As such, I did not embrace the Divine Mercy devotion and the Rosary.

However, with the passage of time, I have come to realize and appreciate what happened. I will always be very grateful to my wife for saying the Divine Mercy Novena for me. She got the ball rolling! And I am pleased and honored to think that, maybe in some very small way, God is now working through me by inspiring me to give witness to a major miracle in my life.

Fred and Lisa Guida live in Branford, Conn.

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