A Novena to St. Mary Magdalene

When I think of my relationship with Jesus, I am ever aware that there have been many beautiful women in my life who have brought me into a deeper more intimate relationship with the Lord. At the top of this list, along with the wonderful sisters in Christ who walk this journey with me on earth, are Our Blessed Mother, and St. Mary Magdalene.

The Holy Spirit has placed on my heart the need to see that we are part of the future engaged in the new evangelization and that we "take our place in the great unfolding of the life of the Church, praying and discerning how we announce the Good News of Jesus' life, death and resurrection to the people of the twenty-first century and hand on the rich legacy of our faith into a future we cannot imagine."
In this Spirit (which is definitely the work of the third person of the Blessed Trinity), I invite you to join me in a novena to St. Mary Magdalene, which will begin on Thursday, July 14, and conclude on her feast day, July 22. Her love for Jesus was and is so pure, so true, so abiding, that I have found recently she is the saint who captivates my thoughts and inspires me daily.
Below is the novena and it does have some Scripture readings and reflections as well.
Novena to St. Mary Magdalene
Here's some great advice about novenas too from friend Dr. Robert Stackpole: What should I do if I Miss Part of My Novena?
Love to hear you thoughts during this beautiful novena. Please feel free to take a moment and share.

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