Part 8: In this eighth entry of a new weekly series on the Sacred Heart, Dr. Robert Stackpole shows how explicit devotion to the Sacred Heart spread throughout the cloisters, monasteries, and friaries of the Catholic world.
Part 6: In this sixth entry of a new weekly series on the Sacred Heart, Dr. Robert Stackpole looks at the sort of love for God and man revealed by Christ's Passion and death. (Hint: It's a lot!)
Part 3: In this third entry of a new weekly series on the Sacred Heart, Dr. Robert Stackpole explains that Jesus, the Word made Flesh, is on every page of Sacred Scripture. So it's only logical to look to the Bible to understand devotion to His Sacred Heart.
As we celebrate the feast of Bl. Michael Sopocko on Feb. 15, here's a curious fact: two priests ministering to two "secretaries." Surely, God is telling us something.