Dina was gifted with natural musical talent. She advanced rapidly in piano and in musical composition, so that even her spiritual guides encouraged her to glorify God by pursuing a music career.
Dina was born in Quebec City on April 30, 1897, the only child of a fairly well-to-do family. In so many ways, she was surrounded by love and showered with blessings right from the start. Her parents provided her with tender care, religious formation, and a solid example of Christian virtue.
Divine Mercy is so central to the spirituality of St. Therese that she literally begins and ends her autobiography in praise of God's merciful love.
Another metaphor that Therese used to make sense of her spiritual journey was the metaphor of the "little flower." Several times in her autobiography she refers to herself as "the little flower," and this has been her ecclesiastical "nickname" ever since.
It is probably true that no single person had more profound and lasting impact upon the spirituality of Catholics in the 20th century than St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower.
Here is St. Alphonsus' list of "considerations" on God's spiritual mercies, and how we can receive them.
We now move forward approximately one hundred years to consider the writings of a saint who had a powerful impact upon the whole Catholic world in the 18th century.
Jesus makes it clear to St. Margaret Mary in this revelation that the Holy Eucharist is the principal means by which He applies His merciful love to her soul.