
Divine Mercy 101: Divine Mercy in the Prophets

In the Biblical concept, Divine Mercy is expanded. First, there is the promise that God's mercy will be showered not only upon the Israelites, but one day upon all the Gentile nations as well. Secondly, the People of Israel are encouraged not only to believe in Divine Mercy and to call upon the Lord, but also to be merciful.

Divine Mercy 101: The Biblical Story of Divine Mercy

If our definition of Divine Mercy is accurate, then it has to fit not only with the meaning of the Biblical terms for mercy, such as "hesed," "rachamim," and "eleos," but also with the whole story of God's dealings with His chosen people Israel, and with all that He has revealed to us through Jesus Christ. As the Catholic biblical scholar John L. Mackenzie claimed: "the entire history of the dealings of Yahweh with Israel can be summed up as 'hesed'."


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