Mercy Unbound - The Holy Spirit, Franciscan Spirituality, and our Work on the Indian Reservations

Father Antony Tinker, FHS, is a priest in the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit. He is based in Laveen, AZ, and the Order also has a house in Detroit, Michigan. Their mission is to follow “In the footsteps of Saint Francis – the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit embody the gospel message of metanoia – ongoing conversion – in the Franciscan tradition. We are called by God to preach penance, minister among the poor, work in ecumenical outreaches, and foster personal relationships with Jesus Christ.”

Exploring Franciscan Orders

Father notes that there are different types of Franciscan Friars. For example, many knew the late Father Benedict Groeschel, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal. Father Tinker shares with us Franciscan spirituality and how these various groups are alike and yet different.

Work on the Reservation

This group of Friars ministers to the poor and in ecumenical outreaches. He shares his work with the Native American Indians, and what a typical day is like as there are a number of different outreach sites.

Get in Touch

As Friars of the Holy Spirit, they are led by the Spirit and it is obvious father loves his work. For more information on their work and the order, go to

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