Join Fr. Chris Alar, Stephen Ray, Teresa Tomeo, and Kelly Wahlquist - four incredible speakers - for the return of the Buffalo Divine Mercy Conference this August 27, 2022. It will be an amazing day of talks, adoration, praising God in Song (with Fr. Bill Quinlivan), bookstore items and book signings sponsored by the Marian Fathers and the Disciples of Divine Mercy in the Holy Face of Jesus. Please come to Our Lady of Victory National Shrine in Lackawanna, NY, and deepen your faith in a way like never before!
Saint Dominic Savio (feast day: May 6, formerly March 9) is the youngest non-martyr to be canonized in the Catholic Church. What made him so saintly? Father Dan Cambra, MIC, explains.
It's the feast day of St. Lucy. Hear Fr. Dan Cambra's reflection for the day.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe is one of the 20th century's most famous saints and influential priests. Why? Father Dan Cambra, MIC, explains.