Divine Mercy Q&A

Step Right Up: All Imperfections Welcomed!

How far does the forgiveness of our Savior extend in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Farther than you can imagine, according to the Church, the Bible, and St. Faustina!

The Five-Loaves, Two-Fish Philosophy

Dr. Stackpole concludes his works-of-mercy series with that culinary and biblical metaphor for good reason.

Confession: Where 'the Greatest Miracles' Happen

Jesus encouraged St. Faustina by saying to her: "Tell me about everything, be sincere in dealing with Me, reveal all the wounds of your heart. I will heal them ..."

The Sacrament of Mercy and Healing

One reader asks: "What can a person do if he has committed mortal sins? And how can he be sorry for them?"
