
Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 128

A lot of Christian prophecy is justified because we have prophecy in the Bible. Our Lady also brought us much prophecy in places like Fatima and Akita. But much is equivalent to crystal balls and fortune telling. Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, explains what to look for, as we all share in the prophetic mission of Christ as baptized Catholics and are called to share God’s Word, trusting in the teaching authority of the Church. Then watch a clip from the film, “Love and Mercy,” about the day Jesus first appeared to St. Faustina and gave her the pattern by which He wanted her to paint the Image we know today.

Pray for the Faithful Departed on All Souls' Day!

On Nov. 2 of each year, The Catholic Church observes the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, otherwise better known as All Souls' Day. It is on this day that we honor those who have passed on from this life, as we pray that they may be purified before entering into the Kingdom of Heaven! So today, be sure to offer up your prayers for your own departed loved ones, as well as the souls suffering in Purgatory!

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 104 - Is Prayer Timeless?

The Catholic Church teaches that when someone takes their own life, it doesn’t mean that they automatically lose their soul. Father Chris Alar, MIC, takes this a step further and shows how your prayers today can help someone who has died for any reason, even years ago, at the moment of their judgment. Then be inspired by the testimony of a mother who lost her beloved son to suicide, and how, even in the midst of darkness and despair, she found hope and healing in God's loving mercy.

God save the King?

We fought a war to be free of the British monarchy. And yet, as Charles III is crowned king of the United Kingdom, it may well be our duty as Catholics to offer a prayer for the man and his reign.


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