Episode 4: Introduction to The Message of Divine Mercy 4:35
Episode 4: Full Episode of The Message of Divine Mercy 23:56
Special resources
Why is Divine Mercy So Important? When people ask Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, why the message of Divine Mercy is so important for the world today, his answer is simple: Through the message of Divine Mercy, our Lord is preparing us for His final coming. Link: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/articles/why-divine-mercy-so-important-0
The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion An Introduction to Divine Mercy: This is the handbook that has introduced millions of souls to the life-changing message that brings hope to a hurting world! Covering every aspect of the authentic Divine Mercy message and devotion- from the Feast and Hour of Great Mercy to the Chaplet and Novena, including selected prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina. Discover why mercy is the mission of everyone in the Church.
Divine Mercy 101 CD This popular presentation by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, is better than ever: all the basics of Divine Mercy in a clear, one-hour presentation.
Divine Mercy 101 DVD This popular presentation by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, is better than ever: all the basics of Divine Mercy in a clear, one-hour presentation.
The Message & Devotion of Divine Mercy Discover two helpful aids that provide the clear and concise explanations of the Divine Mercy message and the Divine Mercy devotion.