Meet Casimir Wyszynski

This story first appeared in the Summer issue of Marian Helper magazine. To get a free copy of the magazine, click here.

Looking for a little help from Heaven? We've got just the guy for you. Let us introduce (or reintroduce) you to the Venerable Servant of God Casimir Wyszynski (1700-1755).

As the Marians celebrate the canonization of Marian Founder Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczynski on June 5 (see page 8), we also look to intensify our efforts in the process of canonization for Venerable Casimir. To that end, our "Graces Received" section of Marian Helper will now include graces you've received through the intercession of Venerable Casimir. Pray to him for his intercession, and share with us the results.

"He was a very zealous religious who deeply loved his Order and its Founder," said Br. Andrew Maczynski, MIC, vice postulator in North America and Asia for Marian causes of canonization. "He was a great devotee of the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, intercessor for the souls in Purgatory, and promoter of the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blue Scapular. He was also a protector of the underprivileged, especially peasants abused by the clergy and upper-class people. He sent a petition to the pope asking for the special protection of those people by the Church."

Brotherly tension

Originally hailing from a family estate called Jeziora Wielka in the vicinity of Warsaw in Poland, this Marian Father of the Immaculate Conception was known for his sanctity during his lifetime and has gained a reputation for being a powerful intercessor since his death.

Born in 1700, the year before Marian Founder Stanislaus Papczynski (1631-1701) died, and given the baptismal name "Januarius Francis," the future Marian started his life as a layman, becoming a civil servant and setting himself on track for secular success.

But he was also a man of deep faith. When he learned that his older brother, Joseph, had helped relax religious discipline within the Marian Congregation and sided with a group seeking to disband the Order entirely, Januarius Wyszynski felt great remorse. He asked to be admitted to the Marians, saying, "I want to make up for what my brother ruined; I ask you for the habit." He was admitted and took the name "Casimir of St. Joseph."

A demand for holiness

From the very beginning of his religious life, he distinguished himself in his zeal for evangelical perfection, ardent devotion to the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, and active care for those suffering injustice. He also worked for the beatification of the Marian Founder.

During his time as general superior, he made a number of visits to the different houses of the order. In one
letter announcing a visitation, dated June 1, 1739, he gave a beautiful summation of the essence of Catholic life, saying, "From the Marians whom I intend to visit I am anxious to learn whether love of God and neighbor is practiced in your life. God is loved when His commandments are kept and the Rules of our Holy Institute are observed, when sinful desires are curbed, avoiding those things which lead to sin. Fraternal charity is evident when we wish no one harm. Where charity is lacking anything we do is without merit; where charity flourishes everything serves for holiness."

Venerable Casimir helped the Marians grow in merit, number, and geographic reach, accepting candidates to the Order from all over Europe. In 1753, he went to Portugal and founded the first Marian monastery in that country at Balsamao. He died there on Oct. 21, 1755.

His reputation for sanctity has endured for 200 years, especially in Portugal during periods when the Church was persecuted and, at one point, the exile of the Marians from the country. Even today, Portuguese Catholics still call him "Santo Polacco," the Holy Pole.

An intercessor awaits

While we take this opportunity to celebrate the canonization of Father Founder, let's also remember another outstanding Marian Father, Venerable Casimir Wyszynski. Let's ask his intercession in all our needs, trusting that, through the mercy of God, we may receive special graces and even miracles through the prayers of our brother in Christ. And let us pray for the beatification of Venerable Casimir so that the whole Church may better know him and benefit from his powerful prayers.

If you have received graces through the intercession of Fr. Casimir Wyszynski, please write: Br. Andrew Maczynski, MIC, Vice Postulator of the Marian Causes of Canonization, Stockbridge, MA 01263. E-mail:

Prayer for a Special Grace through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Casimir

O God, Merciful Father, in the heart of Your servant Casimir, You aroused great zeal for accomplishing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; deign to grant to me (us) through his intercession the grace for which I (we) implore You: [say your intention here]. Amen.

Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be to the Father ...

We recommend this prayer be complemented by Confession
and Holy Communion.

Excerpts from Venerable Casimir's writings

"God made me your superior not to lord it over you, but to be one of you, an understanding father, a brother full of respect, a leader, a concerned shepherd watching over you."

"Are we living and acting according to this Spirit? Are we seeking vain glory? Are we manifesting the spirit of poverty and peace? Is our fraternal charity marred by jealousy? Do your local superiors, your spiritual guides, correct you in a gentle manner?"

"We want to be sure that no one strays from the faith, fails in fraternal charity and peace. We want to see whether we all strive to promote God's glory and due honor to his Holy Mother, the Immaculate Mary. We are anxious to verify that the Rule and Statutes and decrees of our chapters are faithfully observed. We will do all we can to look into these matters with every solicitude, that order be preserved in the monastery. We desire that the Spirit of truth and joy touch all of you."

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