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EDITOR'S NOTE: This is one in a series of testimonies from our readers who share their stories on the power of the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. To share your own testimony, please e-mail us at info@thedivinemercy.org.

by Pamela Roussell

I would like to share with the Marian Helpers an incredible experience my family and I had from praying the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy.

My father was 72, ran his own business, and played golf regularly. But in May three years ago, he developed pneumonia. This was followed shortly after by coronary vessel disease and heart failure. When in rehab following these setbacks, he became a devotee of praying the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. He would hand out chaplet fliers and rosary rings to patients and staff at the hospital.

In a relapse, Dad developed a fever of 104.6 degrees. A friend suggested that we pray the chaplet at his bedside. As soon as we finished praying, his temperature dropped to a normal 98.6. We notified the nurse, and she was surprised, since she had told us it would take a few days for the temperature to go down.

Having witnessed the tremendous power of the chaplet, my mother and I invited family and friends to join us every day at 3 p.m. at my father's bedside to pray the chaplet and the Rosary. Many who joined us were unfamiliar with the chaplet, so I ordered pamphlets from the Marian Fathers. This became a way to spread the devotion.

A few days later, one of my father's lungs collapsed, and he was in severe pain. His health continued to decline, and it was devastating to observe my father's body shut down. His hands and feet became cyanotic (when blood circulation stops or is restricted), and the rest of his body was jaundiced. He went through his own "passion," and we were at the "foot of the cross."

Despite being unresponsive, his nurse suggested that we continue talking to him. She said he might still be able to hear and understand us. We told him Jesus and Mary would soon be taking his hand and bringing him to a special and wonderful dwelling place that they prepared for him.

Surrounded by the love of family and friends, my father was taken home to God at exactly 3 p.m., and not a minute after! God confirmed that He heard our prayers and took him home at the Hour of Mercy. We were able to rejoice in our sorrow because God had given us this magnificent sign!

We also thought it was ironic that he died on July 4. My father was freed from suffering and death, and now has true freedom in Christ. Thank You, Jesus, and all praise and thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

Pamela Roussell lives in Red Bank, N.J.

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