A Stable Connection to Christ

By Marc Massery

Turn to any page of St. Faustina’s Diary and you’ll find spiritual gems. Like this one: When I started the Holy Hour, I wanted to immerse myself in the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Olives. Then I heard a voice in my soul: Meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation. And suddenly the Infant Jesus appeared before me, radiant with beauty. He told me how much God is pleased with simplicity in a soul. Although My greatness is beyond understanding, I commune only with those who are little. I demand of you a childlike spirit (Diary, 332).

This Christmas, are you frustrated with certain circumstances going on in your life? 

An illness, stress in your marriage, trouble paying the bills? Whatever might be going on, don’t forget that Jesus didn’t exempt Himself from the harshness of this world. He could have been chosen to be born to wealthy parents in a palace. Instead, he chose poor parents on the run and ended up being born in a stable. 

This doesn’t mean that Jesus merely wants us to suffer. He wants us to experience His peace and joy. He just asks us to receive them His way — through humility and simplicity. 

The manger scene didn’t look like much, but from it came the Child that would set us free from sin and death. Yes, Jesus suffered. But no one has brought more joy and peace into the world than Him. 

In a similar way, our circumstances may seem difficult at times. We might think there’s no way any good can come out of what we’re going through. But don’t forget — Jesus specializes in bringing amazing things out of difficult situations. All you have to do is stick close to Christ. Make Him the most important person in your life, and you'll experience the joy of Christmas this season and throughout the year. 



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Turn to any page of St. Faustina's Diary, and you'll find spiritual gems. 

Turn to any page of St. Faustina’s Diary and you’ll find spiritual gems. Like this one: